

In connection with coming into force since July, 1st, 2010 of the Agreement of the customs union on sanitary measures between Byelorussia, Republic Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation certificates on the state registration of the customs union, valid in all territory of the state-participants of the customs union (the certificate form see the enclosed file) will be granted.白俄罗斯,哈萨克斯坦共和国和俄罗斯联邦关于海关联盟国家证书注册的海关联盟卫生措施协议将在2010年7月1日生效,在所有海关联盟参与国家内有效(证书格式见附件)

Till January, 1st, 2011 possibility of delivery of certificates on the state registration and the sanitary-and-epidemiologic conclusions according to the legislation of the Russian Federation is kept also. 直到2011年1月1日,根据俄罗斯联邦法律,递交国家注册证书和卫生和-流行病学结论的可能性还是存在的。

The Sanitary-and-epidemiologic conclusions and certificates on the state registration, given out till July, 1st, 2010 will operate in territory of the Russian Federation till January, 1st, 2012. 在俄罗斯联邦领土内,2010年7月1日发布的卫生和-流行病学结论和国家注册证书将运行至2012年1月1日。

Their action will not extend on territory of other state-participants of the customs union. 他们的行为不会扩大对其他国家的关税同盟参与者。

In customs territory of the customs union of the state registration are subject: 国家注册海关关税联盟领域内项目:

1. Mineral water (a natural dining room, medical-table, medical), the potable water packaged in capacity (including for use in a children's food), tonics, alcoholic production, including low alcohol production, beer. 矿泉水(天然餐厅,医疗表,医疗),包装的瓶装水(包括儿童的食物中使用的),滋补品,酒类的生产,包括低酒精的生产,啤酒。

2. Specialised foodstuff, including products of a children's food, products for pregnant and feeding women, products dietary (medical and preventive) a food, products for a food of sportsmen (further - specialised foodstuff); biologically active additives to food, raw materials for manufacture of biologically active additives to food, organic products. 专门食品,其中包括儿童食品,孕妇和哺乳期妇女产品,饮食产品(医疗和预防)的食物,运动员食品(深加工 - 专业食品),生物活性添加剂制造食品,生产食品生物活性添加剂的原材料

3. The foodstuff received with use of genno-engineering-modified (transgene) organisms, including genetically modified microorganisms. 转基因工程食物,包括转基因微生物。

4. Food additives, complex food additives, aroma, vegetative extracts in quality taste and aroma substances and raw components, starting cultures of microorganisms and bacterial ferments, technological auxiliary means, including fermental preparations. 食品添加剂,复合食品添加剂,香气,味道和香气质量的物质和原料营养成分提取物,微生物和细菌开始发酵,技术辅助手段,包括发酵制剂文化。

5. Cosmetic production; means and products of hygiene of an oral cavity. 化妆品生产;口腔卫生的方式和产品。

6. Disinfecting means (for application in a life, in treatment-and-prophylactic establishments and on other objects (except applied in veterinary science)). 消毒方式(在生活中使用的,用于治疗和预防的,其他项目(兽医科学应用除外))。

7. The household chemical goods.日用化工品

8. Potentially dangerous chemical both biological substances and the preparations made on their basis representing potential danger to the person (except medical products), the individual substances (connection) of a natural or artificial origin capable in conditions of production, applications, transportations, processing, and also in a conditions of life to have adverse influence on health of the person and surrounding environment.有潜在危险的化学物质,包括生物物质和在生物物质基础上生产的对人体有害的物质(不包括医疗产品),在生产、应用、运输、加工过程中产生个别天然的和人工起源的物质,以及人类生活中对对人身健康和周围环境造成不良影响。

9. Materials, the equipment, devices and other means of water preparation intended for use in systems of economic-drinking water supply.材料,设备,装置和以经济-饮水供应系统使用为目的其他手段

10. Subjects of personal hygiene for children and adults; subjects of children's use till three years: ware and the products used for a food of children, subjects on hygienic care of the child; clothes for children (the first layer).儿童和成年人个人卫生科目;三岁及三岁一下儿童使用科目:儿童洁具和食品,儿童服装(第一层)。


11. The products intended for contact to foodstuff (except ware, dining facilities, the process equipment).为了接触到食品的产品(不包括洁具,餐饮设施,工艺设备)。


On production which was subject earlier to sanitary-and-epidemiologic examination with delivery of the sanitary-and-epidemiologic conclusions, but now it is not included in the list of production which is subject to the state registration in territory of the customs union the papers confirming conformity will be made: mainly - declarations on the conformity, made out with third party attraction. 之前须经卫生和-流行病学检验并由卫生和-流行病学交付审查结论的生产,现在不在生产清单之列,确认一致性文件将会给出:主要是 - 对符合标准声明,作出了与第三方的吸引力。

Irrespective of assignment of code ТН foreign trade activities according to the Inventory, subjects of the state registration, will not be required representation of the certificate on the state registration on the following production (section of III Uniform inventory, subject to sanitary-and-epidemiologic supervision (the control) on customs border and customs territory of the customs union (the enclosed file see)): 根据商品目录,国家注册事项,对外贸易经营活动代码TH的分配,以下生产在国家注册时无需呈交证书在以下生产(统一商品目录III部分,受制于卫生和-流行病学上的监督(控制)的海关和边境地区的海关关税联盟(见所附文件)):

the product samples intended only for carrying out of sanitary-and-epidemiologic examination for the purpose of registration of certificates on the state registration; 产品样本仅供以国家证书注册为目的的卫生和-流行病学检查试验

the goods intended only for use as laboratory reactants, laboratory ware, (except for radiatsionno-dangerous and containing нативный an infectious material);货物只作为实验室试剂使用,实验室用品,(除了放射性-危险性和含有нативный1的传染性物质;

food raw materials (egg chicken, goose and so forth), used only for preparation of nutrient mediums;食品原材料(蛋,鸡,鹅,等等)只对营养培养基准备

production made in territory of the customs union under orders and the specifications and technical documentation of foreign firms and intended only for realisation behind its limits; 在订单和规格下关税联盟领域内生产的产品,限制背后的外国企业的技术文件

the exhibition and advertising product samples which have been not intended for realisation and use in customs territory of the customs union; 不是为了实现和在海关关税联盟领域内使用的展览及广告产品样品

production which was in consumption, including realised through shops and commission business departments;之前的消费品,包括商店和佣金营业部卖出的

the collections created by pupils and students of establishments of formation, intended for participation in national and international festivals. 以参加国家和国际节日为目的的,由小学生和学生创建的集体

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