About Us

We are Russia Russia GOST R certification center and Ukraine State Institute of Certification and Metrology , Kazakhstan the State Certification Center (KAZMEMST) Representative office in China.TR CU certificate , CU-TR certification , EAC mark , RosTechNadzor, TR CU certificate , CU-TR Declaration, CU-TR certification , EAC mark technical regulations of Customs Union (TR CU, EAC), EAC | EAEU | CU TR | FSB certification and EAC declaration for Russia. EAEU, cutr certification, Cu-tr certification, CUtr Declaration, Cu tr certificate 

 Founded in 2009, the company “SEC” is one of Russia’s ,Ukraine ,Kazakhstan ,Belarussia,Uzbekistan leading companies in the field of certification. We are licensed by Gosstandard of Russia to examine and certify a wide range of equipment and products. As such, we are also an accredited member of the Association of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan ,Belarussia,Uzbekistan Business. SECIET has offices in shanghai, Moscow.

In order to maintain the highest quality of our services,

Our work is characterized by high responsibility and quality of performance at every stage of order execution, with individual attention paid to every client when discussing schedule times, cost optimization, method and time of payment, submission of production samples, site visits, and so on.

For your convenience, we provide a toll-free phone connection at 400-600-7225 within china. Our key priority is to relieve our clients from hurdles of technical paperwork.   We strive to win loyalty from our clients and reward them with discounts and expedited processing when they return. 

Russian Ukraine Kazakhstan
-Customs Union CU Certificate Certificate of Conformity (EAC)
-CU-TR Declaration of Conformity (EAC)
-TR Technical Regulations “Certificate of Conformity”
-TR Technical Regulations Customs Union Certificate of Conformity
-Gost R Ex Proof Certificate of Conformity
-Letter of Refusal
-Hygienic Report/ State Registration
-Fire Safety Certificate
-RTN Rostekhnadzor Permit to Use
-Pattern Approval (Metrology Certificate)
-UkrSepro Certificate of Conformity
-UkrSepro Hijven
-Ukr Fire Safety Certificate
-GGTN Gosgorpromnadzor Approval
-Medical Approval
-Radio Frequency Approval
-Approval for Measuring
-Gost K Certificate of Conformity
-GGTN K (Gosgortechnadzor)
-Technical Passport

© СЦ «Сертификат соответствия ГОСТ Р», 2008-2024
192236, Россия, г.Санкт-Петербург,ул. Фучика, д.23,БЦ «MAXIMUM», оф.207
ICQ:480355369 Skype:gost-cert T:+7 (812) 331-34-39 +86-+86-021-36411223/ 36411293
GOST认证|俄罗斯认证|GOST-R|GOST证书|GOST标志|GOST标准|俄罗斯GOST认证|俄罗斯防火证书|俄罗斯注册证书|RTN证书|RTN认证|俄罗斯防爆认证|俄罗斯医疗器械注册证|俄罗斯OTTC证书|俄罗斯|乌克兰认证|ukraepro认证|白俄罗斯认证|白俄罗斯证书|哈萨克斯坦认证|哈萨克斯坦证书|GOST-K认证|GOST|GOST-R|GOST Certificate|GOST Certification|关于我们|授权|认证|联系我们|